By Dan Newgrove
PHILADELPHIA -- Judge Aaron Kowalski, who has served the City of Philadelphia for just over 5 years in his capacity as a municipal justice, admits that he finds little time to enjoy the life he used to live. “With my work encompassing so much time now and with my kids in high school, I don’t have as much time as I used to for golf or relaxation.” It was after this realization that Judge Kowalski took the advice of a long time friend and peer. “Judge Oliver told me in times like these to make the courtroom more fun, just to release some stress.”
Kowalski soon followed his friends suggestions. “At first I would do things like go on my computer and play Farm Ville or talk on my phone while the attorneys were questioning witnesses. Soon I realized that I was just taking everything way too seriously. At first I put in a little putting green behind the bench, and then I built a full driving range out of the other rooms on the 8th floor.”
Kowalski’s stress relieving changes did not go over well with all. Mayor Michael Nutter said that any renovation to municipal property had to be approved by a board and that, “Kowalski’s just being an ass. He won’t let me or any of the judges play at the range. I get this sweet new hybrid driver for my birthday and I have to trek all the way out to City Ave. just to test it out. He’s just a jerk.”
Despite the mayor’s objections and obvious jealousy, Judge Kowalski holds firm that all judges should seek similar stress relieving methods. “If you want to toke up while the jury is out to lunch, go ahead! You’re the judge! You decide who goes to jail, right?!”
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